Easytattoo® Tattoo Cream
Intended for the healing of the tattoo, the Easytattoo® tattoo cream is hypoallergenic and moisturizing.
Specially developed for the new tattoo, this Panthénol based cream favours the restructuring. Further more, its specific formula has a comforting effect reducing itches and irritations.
It does not stick or stain.
Panthénol is a vitamin B component indispensable for our organism. It enhances the healing and calms irritated and burning skins.
Associated with TGO (oxidized corn oil) found as well in Easytattoo® tattoo cream, it offers excellent anti-burning proprieties and calms the itches.
It is not by applying a great quantity of cream that will give an optimum result. But, the massage action favours
a good penetration of the cream and therefore good healing.
Renew the application 3 to 4 times per day for at least 10 days according to the tattoo.
Content: 4 ml sachets – 50 ml – 100 ml