Ergo Shield Disposable Foam Tattoo Grips from FK Irons are a revolution in machine sanitation, allowing you to attach a comfortable, disposable grip AND barrier wrap your wireless FK Irons machine in as little as 10 seconds!
Each disposable grip is made from an ergonomic and fatigue-reducing foam, and attaches easily to your favourite FK Irons machine without the need to build layers of grip wrap. Thanks to the integrated barrier, it also eliminates the need for a separate barrier or wrap for your machine and battery.
Simply unscrew the machine grip and slide on the Ergo Shield until it meets the machine body. Pinch the tab between two fingers and pull it upwards to release the protective barrier, fold it over the top of the battery pack, and seal with the sticker. The sticker is resealable, so if you need to change your battery or readjust you can do so easily!
The free-spinning barrier system means that the central spline and barrier move independently from the grip, allowing you to make adjustments without tearing the protective film or removing the grip.
FK Irons Ergo Shield grips are compatible with universal, Cheyenne-type cartridges, and come individually EO sterilised.
Key Features:
Colour: Black
Material: Foam
Incorporated sleeve design
Resealable sticker
Free-spinning barrier system
Ergonomic design
EO sterilised
Made in the USA